Technology * Innovation * Publishing Newsletter #248

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Important Items

Is COVID back in NYC? Wastewater surveillance shows virus is rising.

imageRT @Gothamist New Yorkers who’ve noticed more sniffles and coughs during their subway commutes aren’t imagining things. Wastewater monitoring is showing early signs of a coronavirus rebound in New York City.

High concentrations of COVID detected at all 14 New York City wastewater treatment plants

‘What is happening to me?’ The teenagers trying to make sense of long Covid

imageMore than 100,000 Britons under 25 have endured months of debilitating symptoms, while doctors struggle to help and others fail to take them seriously

Brain abscesses increased nationally in children last winter, but remain rare, new CDC investigation finds

imageThe United States saw a 200% increase in brain abscesses in children in December 2022 following a surge in respiratory infections over the winter

An Inside Look at Covid’s Lasting Damage to the Lungs

image“More than three years after the start of the pandemic, many Covid survivors continue to struggle. Some, especially those who became so severely ill that they were hospitalized and unable to breathe on their own, face lasting lung damage”

COVID-19 Can Cause New Cholesterol Problems. What to Know

image“Out of 100 adults infected with the virus, anywhere between one and four could end up with high cholesterol as a result,”

Study: Cats can transmit COVID-19 to each other

imageCats can become infected with COVID-19 through contact with other infected animals or contaminated pens and should be considered part of the household dynamics of the virus, according to a new study

Transgender adults in Florida `blindsided’ that new law also limits their access to health care

Debate surrounding Florida’s new restrictions on gender-affirming care focused largely on transgender children. But a new law that Republican presidential candidate and Gov. Ron DeSantis signed last month also made it difficult – even impossible – for many transgender adults to get treatment.

Library cancels trans speaker after Montana bans drag readings

Montana’s new law banning drag reading events at public libraries has led to the cancellation of a transgender speaker in a southwestern Montana city. Someone submitted a complaint via Facebook, County Attorney Eileen Joyce said. Joyce told NBC Montana the county was “erring on the side of caution” in canceling the event. Under the law, a library would risk its public funding if it held such an event. When the bill was debated in the Montana Legislature in February, transgender Rep. Zooey Zephyr, a Democrat, said the legislation would target transgender people. House Majority Leader Sue Vinton, a Republican, stood up and said, “Mr. Chair, this bill has nothing to do with the transgender community.” Jawort also spoke against the legislation. “The irony is I testified against this bill saying it would target trans people that would include, of course, me,” Jawort posted on social media. “They denied it. Now here I am, targeted.”

Seminole schools offer to remove LGBTQ+ pages from high school yearbook


RT @FLFreedomRead A few parents and students found those pages “inappropriate,” and now the district is offering refunds or reprinted yearbooks with the pages in question removed, according to a memo Superintendent Serita Beamon sent to parents on Wednesday.

US life expectancy problem is ‘bigger than we ever thought,’ report finds

In the 1950s, U.S. life expectancy ranked 12th highest in the world. By 1968, the U.S. had fallen to 29th. Today we are ranked 51, behind Cuba, Chile, Costa Rica, Lebanon, Thailand, and many others.

Earth is ‘really quite sick now’ and in danger zone in nearly all ecological ways, study says

imageRT @AP A new study says Earth has pushed past seven out of eight scientifically established safety limits and into “the danger zone,” not just for an overheating planet that’s losing its natural areas, but for well-being of people living on it.

Six ‘zombie viruses’ that are being unleashed on the world right now due to climate change


Scientists now believe that ‘the risk is bound to increase in the context of global warming, in which permafrost thawing will keep accelerating,’ unleashing some diseases that had been trapped in the ice since prehistoric times


Real-Time Anime Generator


HT @briansolis

Expanding Iconic Album Covers Using Photoshop Generative Fill


Via @mrgreen

MusicLM By Google lets you generate music from text


What not to share with ChatGPT if you use it for work

imageTL;DR: A lot of things. #AI

ChatGPT Shared Links

You can now share ChatGPT sessions w a link (rather than a screenshot). #AI

ChatGPT Prompting Cheat Sheet


MT @MarketingDailyy 🚨 ChatGPT Prompting Cheat Sheet. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to use ChatGPT 🧠💥🤖 (By @AiWizardd ) #AI

AI Is About to Turn Book Publishing Upside-Down

Via @ThadMcIlroy

Authors Guild Introduces New Publishing Agreement Clauses Concerning AI

imageThe Authors Guild is introducing four new model clauses concerning AI to its Model Trade Book Contract and Model Literary Translation Contract. In addition to the recent clause preventing the use of books in training generative AI without an author’s express permission, the new clauses require an author’s written consent for their publisher to use AI-generated book translations, audiobook narration, or cover art. The Authors Guild also urges publishers to identify any books that contain a significant amount of AI-generated text. The purpose of these demands is to prevent the use of AI to replace human creators. #AI

How to cite or acknowledge generative AI tools

Includes guidelines for citation using MLA, APA, and Chicago style.

Amazon Turns to AI to Weed Out Damaged Goods

imageAmazon expects AI to reduce the number of damaged items moving through its fulfillment centers and to speed up deliveries #AI

They Plugged GPT-4 Into Minecraft—and Unearthed New Potential for AI

imageThe bot plays the video game by tapping the text generator to pick up new skills, suggesting that the tech behind ChatGPT could automate many workplace tasks. #AI

OpenAI cybersecurity grant program

imageOpenAI is launching a grant program to support cyber security professionals using AI and combating AI enabled systems. They are accepting applications and have a number of ideas to show the types of projects they’re looking to support. #AI #security

As part of AI push, Chinese tech giant Baidu is now rolling out an AI venture fund

imageBaidu rolling out a 1 billion yuan ($145M) AI venture fund to back startups focused on content generated by AI. It will also launch a competition for developers who build applications off Baidu’s ERNIE LLM or integrate the model into existing products. #AI

AI Won’t Wipe Out Humanity (Yet)

imageLauren Goode: I was thinking that we should talk about our own extinction today.

Michael Calore: You mean as journalists or podcasters or as human beings?


USAF Official Says He ‘Misspoke’ About AI Drone Killing Human Operator in Simulated Test

Hamilton had said that AI created “highly unexpected strategies to achieve its goal.”…“We were training it in simulation to identify and target a Surface-to-air missile (SAM) threat. And then the operator would say yes, kill that threat. The system started realizing that while they did identify the threat at times the human operator would tell it not to kill that threat, but it got its points by killing that threat. So what did it do? It killed the operator. It killed the operator because that person was keeping it from accomplishing its objective,” Hamilton said, according to the blog post. He continued to elaborate, saying, “We trained the system–‘Hey don’t kill the operator–that’s bad. You’re gonna lose points if you do that’. So what does it start doing? It starts destroying the communication tower that the operator uses to communicate with the drone to stop it from killing the target” #AI

Will Apple’s Reality Pro signal the beginning of the immersive internet?

imageWe can be sure of one thing: If Apple launches a headset, it thinks it has a product that breaks new ground. Via @jasonhiner

Big Tech’s Biggest Bets (Or What It Takes to Build a Billion-User Platform)


Whether it’s Alexa (looks like $40B losses), OpenAI (Altman says it might need to raise $100B; “most capitalized start-up ever”), Google Cloud ($30B deep and 13 years before turning a profit) or Microsoft’s potential fight against Google (buying out iOS Search is $25B+/year), min investment needed is getting extraordinary. And you can see why. Profits such as this reflect not just growing scale, but integrations and controls that isolate competition. Via @ballmatthew challenges Substack with launch of paid newsletters

imageHT @mediagazer launches paid newsletters, with the option available to all blogs, even those on the free plan

Meta says it will block news on Facebook in California if recently advanced bill becomes law

YouTube reverses misinformation policy to allow U.S. election denialism

Shutterstock picks up Giphy for $53 million after UK blocks Meta’s acquisition

Publishing & Media

Daunt Aims to Improve B&N For Workers, But Unions Tell a Different Story

Advice for newish Editors to get projects from Agents

Via @lynnjohnstonlit

Will 10,000 followers get you a book deal?

Why publishing wants authors to have a platform by ⁦@DanBlank#amwriting

Your Favorite Book Won’t Be Turned Into a TV Show Anytime Soon

imageHT @PublishersLunch Hollywood Studios Using Force Majeure Clauses to Extend Book Options for Free During Writers’ Strike: They’re extending production deadlines & option dates until the end of the strike + affected authors aren’t getting any additional pay

Opinion: A map of 1,001 novels to show us where to find the real America


HT @juliebarer

Ripped Bodice Brooklyn


MT @TheRippedBodice 📣 We have news! 🎉 The Ripped Bodice is thrilled to announce our new location in Brooklyn, NY opening August 2023! 🌟

Pride in your words


MT @penguinrandom Happy #PrideMonth! 🌈 Download this year’s #PrideinYourWords zine featuring queer books and authors, drag storytellers, and more. #teamPRH

The best podcasts for Making Change in Your Community Today


RT @GoodpodsHQ From @arithisandthat @EarbudsPodCol, “Shows for making change in your local community that may inspire individuals to go out and do something…today!” @ArmyNormalFolks @rework_radio @futur_hindsight @milaatmos @PeopleDecidePod @JennaSpinelle @CEPData

Why are schools in Maine keeping Gender Queer on shelves, despite challenges? A case study in what makes a difference


MT @jonfreadom Why do Maine districts keep Gender Queer on shelves when it’s been challenged? B/c they follow their policies and actually read the book. Critical case study here from @veronikellymars @BookRiot. “Parents like Scott White, an elementary principal, admitted that some pictures and content in the book made them uncomfortable, but said they understood more of and felt more empathetic to the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth after reading.”

The Bible is banned in these Utah elementary and middle schools now for ‘vulgarity or violence’

RT @PENamerica #Utah’s Davis School District has banned The Bible after a challenge that claimed the book fell under a 2022 state law’s definition of “pornographic” content, requiring it to be removed from Utah schools, both in libraries and in the classroom. #BannedBooks

Prattville library becomes battleground for book-banning culture war

MT @EveryLibrary They want to REMOVE a book called “Yes/No” that teaches children that it’s OK TO SAY NO to sexual contact. In a state where they had to FIGHT for dozens of years to raise the marriage age from 14 to 16.

The Heavy Cost of Banning Books About Black Children

image“Opponents of diverse storytelling are robbing the next generation of an opportunity to be unabashedly curious about the world around them.”

Banned Books: Conservatives Target Publishers As Part of Their School, Library Censorship Push

imageThe Tennessee legislature passed SB 1059, a bill that specifically calls out book publishers that distribute materials to K-12 public schools, saying those publishers can be charged with a felony and fined at least $10,000 or up to $100,000 if the materials are found to be legally obscene. Previous bills have already made it illegal to distribute “obscene” materials to minors, but this new law adds specificity, targeting book publishers and the books they provide to schools. Unlike existing laws, it also makes a first offense for publishers a felony instead of a misdemeanor.

Publishers File Amicus Brief Supporting Patrons of the Llano County Library System in Little v. Llano County

On June 2 the Association of American Publishers, Penguin Random House, Candlewick Press, Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins Publishers, Macmillan Publishers, Scholastic Inc., and Simon & Schuster filed an amicus brief urging the 5th Circuit to affirm a court order to return 17 banned books to public library shelves in Llano, Texas.

Democratic Governors call on publishers to fight censorship of textbooks

RT @kylegriffin1 10 Democratic governors are fighting the censorship of textbooks, calling on publishers to “hold the line for our democracy” and refuse to water down their educational materials at the behest of conservatives.

Resources & Opportunities


Hey @WMG_NYC Members: Did you see we’re having a cocktail party IRL? Can’t wait to see everyone on 7/12 5:30pm ET at a restaurant in NYC’s Chelsea for our Summer Soirée! Sign up today!!

Free Tix to the 2023 Bronx Book Festival


RT @bronxisreading Have you gotten your FREE Bronx book festival ticket yet?? WELL, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?? GO GET THEM NOW BEFORE THEY SELL OUT!!!! SATURDAY JUNE 10TH @ FORDHAM PLAZA

Melanin in YA Fundraiser

Please support, if you can. Via @melodysimpson

Pride at NYPL

RT @nypl 🌈 We’re celebrating #PrideMonth with free special events, book recommendations from our expert staff, items from the Library’s landmark collections about LGBTQ+ history, and more.

The Accessible Books Consortium is now accepting Fellowship applications!

RT @LauraB7 The Accessible Books Consortium is looking for fellows. Is that you? This is a great opportunity to work in inclusive publishing.

Apply for a Walter Grant


MT @diversebooks Applications for 2023 Walter Grants are now OPEN! These grants are for diverse, unpublished creators and award $2000 to each recipient. This year we have:

✨ 5 general grants

✨ 2 trans creator grants

✨ 1 disabled writer grant

Info + application here.

Random House Workshops: Writing Queer Stories with Camille Kellogg


MT @LeftBankBooks Celebrate Pride with a workshop about writing the stories of your heart led by @kellogg_camille, author of #JustAsYouAre! Develop skills, share your writing, & get feedback! This a free event & when registering you can enter to win a Pride Pack of books! #teamPRH

Submissions Open for PEN America Literary Awards


MT @PENamerica Submissions to the 2024 #PENLitAwards are open! From June 1-August 1, publishers and agents may submit books published in the 2023calendar year, and Members may nominate writers for our esteemed Career Achievement Awards.

There’s now a ‘Little Shop of Kindness’ in Manhattan for asylum seekers

imageRT @Gothamist “The Little Shop of Kindness” is located in a cozy storefront facing Bryant Park, where the city’s newest residents can procure free clothing, toys and books.

New Yorkers: Register, Find Your Polling Place, Vote by Mail, Research the Issues


RT @nypl New Yorkers, have you moved since the last election? June 12 is the deadline to notify the NYC Board of Elections of your address change.

The Parents Who Fight the City for a “Free Appropriate Public Education”


Parents and educators discuss the immense difficulty of accommodating children with disabilities—who have a constitutional right to a “free appropriate public education”—in New York City’s public-school system.

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