Technology • Innovation • Publishing – Issue #76

By Kathy Sandler • Issue #76 • View online


Facebook Discovers Fakes That Show Evolution of Disinformation

Apple, Amazon, Google partner to make smart home devices more compatible

Google goes offline after fibre cables cut

Amazon Learns a New Skill: Making Money From Alexa

Year In Review + 2020 Preview


Google Assistant’s interpreter mode is coming to phones 12/12

Getting VR to mainstream audiences: what we learnt from our partnership with local libraries

Apple Invents a Unique System to Protect Various Lenses in Smartglasses from Colliding or Smashing when in Freefall

Future fashion: does that dress come in digital?


The Layoff Tracker

The Writers Guild Has Filed an Unfair-Labor-Practice Charge Against Hearst

AAP Joins Broad Opposition to Proposed Trump Policy on Journal Articles

Publishers Brace for California Labor Law Changes

'Convene, Amplify, Solve': PW Talks to BISG Board Chair Andrew Savikas


Condé Nast is Allegedly Running Afoul of an EU Data Privacy Law by Faking Users' "Consent" to be Tracked

Meredith Corp. bringing back Cooking Light

Sophia Amoruso is selling Girlboss to a holding startup that wants to fix media

Here Are The Most Popular NYC Library Books Of 2019, By Borough

'Feminist safe haven' English language bookshop to launch in Paris


What's Amazon's market share? 35% or 5%?
Cox Communications hit with $1B music piracy verdict

19 Business Moats That Helped Shape The World’s Most Massive Companies


Kathy Sandler

The latest in technology, innovation, and publishing curated by Kathy Sandler.
I work at Penguin Random House. Opinions expressed are my own.

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