School of the Future?

Socialnomics reviews Hyper Island, a school in Stockholm, Sweden. See the school site at . Excerpts below.

I want to know: What’s your vision of the school of the future?

“…All the students within these walls are digitally focused. There are no accounting or biology majors here. Rather there are experts in creating digital monsters, videos with Adobe After Effects, iPhone applications, etc.

There are also no professors here either. Rather there are rows of modern long white tables with Macs a plenty loaded with the latest software. When students are not editing video or creating avatars these Macs are usually displaying one of the major social media sites.

Hyper Island Uniqueness

* Lectures are replaced by collaboration and weekly team readouts of problems each team is experiencing and attempting to resolve

* Coaches instead of professors

* No books: learning is achieved via “hands-on” practicums with Fortune 1000 companies

This approach appears to be working for Hyper Island and its students. These students are gobbled up for jobs and internships by the Crispin Porters, DDB Needhams and Great Works of the world…. ”

Posted by Kathy Sandler on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 11:57 PM